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Diving Deep into React-Bootstrap-Table-Next

React-Bootstrap-Table-Next, often referred to as RBTN, is an incredibly powerful tool that lets developers bring to life feature-rich tables in React applications. With a streamlined design and flexible features, it takes away the inherent complexity involved in building, managing, and enhancing data tables in React.

Getting Started: Installation and Basic Usage

Installing React-Bootstrap-Table-Next is as simple as running an npm command:

npm install react-bootstrap-table-next [email protected] --save

Once installed, React-Bootstrap-Table-Next can be imported into a React component as follows:

import BootstrapTable from 'react-bootstrap-table-next';
import cellEditFactory from 'react-bootstrap-table2-editor';

The first line imports the BootstrapTable component, while the second one imports the cell editing functionality, which we will explore in detail later.

To set up a basic table using React-Bootstrap-Table-Next, we need a data source and a columns array:

const products = [{id: 1, name: 'Product1'}, {id: 2, name: 'Product2'}]; const columns = [{ const products = [{id: 1, name: 'Product1'}, {id: 2, name: 'Product2'}];
const columns = [{
  dataField: 'id',
  text: 'Product ID'
}, {
  dataField: 'name',
  text: 'Product Name'

<BootstrapTable keyField='id' data={products} columns={columns} />

In this example, products serves as our data source, and columns outlines the structure of our table. keyField is used to indicate the primary key of the data set.

Unlocking Advanced Functionalities


Paginating your data with RBTN is simple. First, import the paginationFactory:

import paginationFactory from 'react-bootstrap-table2-paginator';

Next, add the pagination prop to your BootstrapTable component:


Cell Editing

The cell editing feature lets users modify data directly within the table. Enable this by using the cellEditFactory:

  cellEdit={cellEditFactory({ mode: 'click', blurToSave: true })}

This piece of code sets up click-to-edit mode, with changes saved when the user clicks outside the cell (blurToSave).


To sort your data, add the sort prop to your table:

import {sort} from 'react-bootstrap-table2-sort';

This way, the table’s columns become clickable, enabling users to sort data in ascending or descending order.


RBTN makes it possible to add a search field to your table using the Search component:

import { Search } from 'react-bootstrap-table2-toolkit';
<Search.SearchBar { ...props.searchProps } />
  { ...props.baseProps }

The search field filters the table’s content in real-time as the user types into it.

Deeper Dive into Features

Now that we’ve covered the basics and some advanced functionalities, let’s dive deeper into some of these features.


The paginationFactory() function takes an options object that allows you to customize the pagination behaviour. For example:

  page: 2, // specify the current page. Default is 1
  sizePerPage: 10, // specify the number of rows per page. Default is 10
  totalSize: products.length, // total data size
  paginationSize: 5, // maximum number of page buttons to display
  paginationTotalRenderer: customTotal, // custom total number renderer
  sizePerPageList: [5, 10, 25, 50] // options for page size dropdown

Cell Editing

cellEditFactory() provides numerous options to control cell editing behaviour, like specifying the trigger for editing (‘click’, ‘dbclick’, or ‘none’), auto-selecting text on edit, and providing custom validation. A callback function after SaveCell can be used to take actions after saving a cell:

  mode: 'click',
  blurToSave: true,
  autoSelectText: true,
  validator: (newValue, oldValue, row, column) => {
    if (isNaN(newValue)) {
      return 'Value must be a number';
    return true;
  afterSaveCell: (oldValue, newValue, row, column) => {
    console.log(`Saved cell with column: ${column.dataField} with new value: ${newValue}`);


RBTN supports single and multi-column sorting. You can customize the sort indicator and default sorting column and order. It also supports custom sorting functions:

columns = [{
  dataField: 'id',
  text: 'Product ID',
  sort: true,
  sortFunc: (a, b, order, dataField, rowA, rowB) => {
    if (order === 'asc') {
      return b - a;
    return a - b; // desc


React-Bootstrap-Table-Next is an extremely flexible and feature-packed library that greatly simplifies handling tables in React applications. Its versatility in managing large datasets and offering complex features like sorting, searching, pagination, and cell editing make it a standout choice for developers. By understanding and leveraging its capabilities, developers can create data-driven applications that provide an excellent user experience.


How do I handle events in React-Bootstrap-Table-Next?

RBTN provides numerous event handlers, including onClick, onDoubleClick, onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave, etc., for rows and cells. For columns, event handlers like onSort are provided.

Can I customize the table, rows, and cells?

Yes, you can provide custom classes and styles for the table, rows, and cells using the classes and style attributes.

How can I select rows in the table?

RBTN supports single and multi-row selection. You can control the selection with checkboxes or click events.

Can I export table data?

Yes, RBTN supports exporting table data in CSV format.

How can I add a custom column, like an Actions column?

You can add any kind of custom column by providing a custom data formatter in the columns array.